the nzmpic
about the nZMPIC
The New Zealand Motion Picture Industry Council ( NZMPIC ) is an informal body of representatives from varying entities within the broader Film Industry based in New Zealand. It comprises representatives from Film distribution companies large and small, cinema exhibitors large and small, The Film & Video Labelling Body, the NZ Film Commission and the ANZ Screen Association, as well as representatives from the Independent Exhibitors Association of New Zealand.
The main purpose of the NZMPIC is to facilitate the hosting of an annual Movie conference within New Zealand, to promote both International and local films intended for a theatrical release here. NZMPIC is also the lobbying vehicle for the film Industry on wider industry issues that arise from time to time.
partners of the NZMPIC
NZMPIC is made up of representatives from the various sectors of the NZ film industry including distribution, exhibition, the Australian NZ Screen Association, The Film, Video and Labelling Body and the NZ Film Commission. More information on the film industry bodies can be found by following the links below.
Film And Video Labelling Body Of New zealand
The Film and Video Labelling Body Incorporated is a non profit organisation that is registered with Charities Services. We operate under a warrant from the Minister of Internal Affairs to perform the role of the labelling body as per section 71 of the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993 (the Act). Our Board is compiled of representatives from distribution, exhibition, production and gaming as per the requirements under section 72 the Act.
All films offered for supply or public exhibition must be rated. The FVLB is responsible for issuing unrestricted ratings and sending films that contain restricted content to the Office of Film and Literature Classification for classification.
australia new zealand screen association
The Australia New Zealand Screen Association represents the film and television content and distribution industry in Australia and New Zealand.
Our core mission is to advance the business and art of filmmaking, increasing its enjoyment around the world.
Motion Picture Distributors’ Association Of New Zealand
The New Zealand Motion Picture Distributors’ Association (MPDA) is a non-profit organisation which represents major international film studios and coordinates the distribution of their motion pictures. The MPDA also undertakes the collection of film exhibition information relating to box-office, admissions and admission prices, theatres, release details, censorship classifications and ratings in order to provide meaningful statistics on the film industry in New Zealand to the Members, associated persons, the media, and trade publications.
New Zealand Film Commission - te tumu whakaata taonga
NZ Film Commission support a diverse range of New Zealand and international stories to be told here and seen everywhere. Promoting our talented individuals and our industry’s reputation for creativity, innovation and superb production values. NZ Film Commission balances cultural and economic objectives to achieve successful outcomes for our industry and our people.
Contact the NZMPIC
If you have questions or need further help, please fill out the form below and we will endeavour to get back to you within 24 hours.